iREFLECT Toolbox is taking shape
iREFLECT Toolbox is taking shape

In the pre-Christmas atmosphere of the Ludwig-Windthorst-Haus in Lingen, the iREFLECT coordinators came together to achieve a significant milestone: finalizing our reflection toolbox.

At this meeting, we were also able to warmly welcome a new team member: Biljana Kolundzija Gavranovic from Spain will now support our project team and enrich it with her expertise.

We have collected valuable feedback from our partner institutions and networks and carefully integrated it into our materials. The result is a practical toolbox specifically designed to strengthen reflection skills in teachers, school leaders and prospective educators. A glance at the toolbox promises exciting things: in addition to a variety of methods and tools, it will also contain support materials for the first steps on the journey of reflection. These will enable users to develop their reflection skills in a gentle and structured way.

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