About the project
iReflect project

iREFLECT - Reflexivity for contemporary teacher training and further education

Due to changing requirements in educational processes in a digitalized world, new perspectives are emerging for the range of tasks of all those involved in educational processes. The iREFLECT project addresses the following questions:

- What skills will teachers need in the future and how can these be activated?

- How can teachers be sensitized to the necessary role change from knowledge transfer to learning guidance?

- Which methods support lifelong learning in the third phase of teacher training in order to integrate sustainable development processes into schools and lessons?


What developments make iREFLECT necessary?

In order to use the possibilities of learning in the digital world for their own development, learners need to be able to design and reflect on their own learning processes.  Reflection skills are therefore central to the initial and further training of teachers - also in the sense of lifelong learning. A. Schleicher (Director OECD) already postulated this in 2018: "Education is no longer just about teaching learners something; it is more important to enable them to develop a reliable compass and navigation tools so that they can find their own way in an increasingly complex, volatile and uncertain world."


What are the aims of the iREFLECT project?

The project aims to provide forward-looking impetus for goal-oriented reflective elements for the initial and further training of teachers. Further training is always also a form of personal development in which existing skills are expanded and one's own horizons are broadened. Reflection skills are a key factor in this process, making people aware of strengths and highlighting potential. This leads to a sustainable increase in skills and thus to greater confidence in everyday working life.

As part of the iREFLECT project, a collection of key practical methods and tools based on theoretical models of reflexivity is being developed.

iREFLECT is funded as part of the Erasmus+ program (Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships in School Education) from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2025. 

Project partners:
  • German School Athens, Greece
  • Center for Practical Teacher Training Krefeld, Germany
  • Oulun Kaupunki Oulu, Finland
  • Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
  • Center of Excellence of Split-Dalmatia county, Croatia
  • Ludwig-Windthorst-Haus Lingen, Germany (applicant) 

Dear Fellow Educators,

iREFLECT! initiates the discourse on contemporary teacher training and further education and it is achieved through the combination of the Reflection instrument and presentation of central content on the subject of reflexivity.

It is an innovative approach also in terms of focus on lifelong learning for all phases of teacher education. So, the iREFLECT! goal, is the Professionalization of teachers and prospective teachers by expanding their reflection skills to expand from their own practice.


Judith Hilmes

Partner meetings

Learn more about the meetings in project iReflect 

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iReflect partnership brings together institutions from Germany, Spain, Greece, Finland and Croatia

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Self reflection

Expanding reflection skills is our primary goal. Learn more in our blog

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